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DET Verification Services
Request for Quote
Fill out the form on the right for a quote request to be emailed to us. We plan to reply no later than the morning of the next business day.
Expect the quote to be a "ball-park" estimate based soley on the information provided. We will need to talk with you during normal business hours to provide a reliable quote.
Contact Details
Normally, we respond to your quote by email first so we can respond at any hour of the day. We may attempt to call you during normal businss hours, unless you leave comments otherwise.
After providing the initial quote, please call us with more questions or schedule an appointment. To avoid being a nuisance, we will try to call you only once. You may call us when it's convenient for you between 0800-2100 (8 AM - 9 PM).
Project Information
We will determine as much as we can about the house by looking the address up on-line to support our estimated quote.
Please select each service you'd like us to provide. Multiple service selection is possible. If your project is a new or remodeled house, usually Blower Door Testing and Duct Tests are needed. If HVAC equipment is relocated or added, normally, only Duct Tests are needed.
Service Fees
Please see an explanation our our professional services fees to better understand how we use the information provided to determine the quote.
If you are a production builder, we will send you a formal fee schedule after following up with you by phone.
DET Verification | Blower Door Testing | Duct Tests
Duct Sealing Check | HVAC Design | Load Calculation
Service Fees | Contact Us
